Webster defines: To pick up or gather together the scattered remainder of grain or other produce dropped or left lying by reapers... to pick up, gather piecemeal fashion...acquire bit by bit from some source.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


---by David M. Cameron

If, on some dusty, desert land,
Some day you're trudgin, through the sand,

And find some feller liein' there
Beggin' "water," gaspin' air,
And, when he's nigh to partin' earth,
You wet his lips to quench his thirst;

And, as he's stakin' his last claim,
You search his pack to find his name;

If that's when you find this book, then STOP!
And give him not another drop;

Then steal his boots, and shoot his horse,
And set fire to his hat, of course;

Take his shirt, but leave his pants,
And fill'em full of stingin' ants;

Then tie his rotten hands and feet,
And leave him there for buzzard meat.

It seems a less than fitting curse,
But I couldn't think of nothin' worse

For them that borrows books, and then
Fergits to bring'em back again.

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