Webster defines: To pick up or gather together the scattered remainder of grain or other produce dropped or left lying by reapers... to pick up, gather piecemeal fashion...acquire bit by bit from some source.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


---------by David M. Cameron

The Plan of God is like a ship
---That sails the seven seas.
It makes a weekly cycle
---As it sails upon the breeze:

On Sunday, it's in one Port,
---And, on Monday, in the next.
It sails for six days, then the
---Seventh it comes home to rest.

It boards a few more passengers
---Each time it comes to dock,
Then brings then safely home
---According to the Captian's clock.

You can call, but you can't meet the ship
---Just anytime you please;
Its schedule is appointed by
---Immutable decrees.

The cycle was revealed, and not
---Observed within the heavens.
For, nowhere in the stars will you
---Find days grouped into sevens.

You may dispute and "hermeneut;"
---It doesn't change a thing.
No amount of human reasoning
---Will alter His routine.

"I am Lord of the Sabbath,"
---His disciple did Him quote.
So, if you're not there when Jesus is,
---You may just miss the boat.

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